Den 6 januari 2021 invigs mästerskapet i Graz, Österrike. oss efter, säger Patrik Svensson, tävlingsansvarig på WorldSkills Sweden.


The WorldSkills Singapore National Competition 2021 (WSS 2021) has been officially launched on Wed 27 Jan 2021. The competition will be held from Wed 29 September to Sat 9 Oct 2021 at the ITE Colleges and the 5 Polytechnics.

Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die bestmögliche Erfahrung auf unserer Website erzielen. Отборочные соревнования - 2021 Отборочные соревнования для участия в Финале IX Национального чемпионата «Молодые профессионалы» (WorldSkills Russia) – 2021 WorldSkills 2021 in Schanghai werden um ein Jahr verschoben. Die für Ende September 2021 geplanten Berufs-Weltmeisterschaften «WorldSkills» in Schanghai werden aufgrund der anhaltenden Corona-Pandemie um ein Jahr in den Herbst 2022 verschoben. Skills the finals 2021 has been cancelled. After careful consideration, the WorldSkills Netherlands board and management have decided to cancel Skills The Finals 2021 The primary reason is the continuing uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 and the associated restrictions.

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the prestigious international-level WorldSkills Competition. Learn More. We have some great news – we are still going ahead with the WorldSkills Australia National Championships – it will just be moved to 2021! At WorldSkills Australia, we place the highest priority on the health and safety of our event competitors and attendees. Die SwissSkills sind die Vorstufe zu den WorldSkills. Der Schweizermeister oder die Schweizermeisterin jeder Disziplin qualifiziert sich für die Vorbereitung Категория 16-22: в Чемпионате могут принимать участие конкурсанты 16 лет (день рождения до 1 марта 2005г.р.), а на 31 августа 2021 года возраст не должен достигать 23 лет (к примеру, если конкурсант хочет принять участие в Todo o processo decorre através da Plataforma SigSkills, recomendando-se a leitura prévia da Nota Informativa n.º 1, que, para além de informação detalhada sobre cada uma das etapas do SkillsPortugal Digital 2021, integra um tutorial para guiar as entidades no processo de inscrição na plataforma.

WorldSkills Singapore. WorldSkills Singapore (WSS) is a national skills competition held biennially to discover the best in talents among the youth in Singapore. Outstanding performers of WSS will represent Singapore to compete in the prestigious international-level WorldSkills Competition. Learn More

#SkillsSustain: Clinton, Industrial Mechanic Millwright, Australia 12 April 2021 WorldSkills Swedens initiativ med yrkesutbildningsambassadörerna initierades under 2020, med syftet att sprida kunskap, stolthet och engagemang till unga som står inför gymnasieval. Till ambassadörernas uppdrag hör att medverka på gymnasie- och yrkesmässor och besöka skolor för att prata om yrkesutbildningar. WorldSkills Sweden har i uppdrag att arbeta med att höja attraktionskraft, status samt kvalitet för yrkesutbildning.

Worldskills 2021

Državno natjecanje učenika strukovnih škola - WorldSkills Croatia 2021. 11.5.2021. - 13.5.2021. Zagreb

Worldskills 2021

At a time of global pandemic and social strife, WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 is proving to be a focal point for the essential nature of skilled people and skills development in sustaining communities and economic growth. INDIASKILLS 2021 INDIA’S LARGEST SKILL COMPETITION.

Download video (M4V, 389.5 MB) An artist’s impression of the WorldSkills Museum in Shanghai. День 1 Apply for IndiaSkills 2021 - India’s Largest Skill Competition Eligibility Criteria: Meet the WorldSkills eligibility criteria, competitors for Shanghai 2022 must be born on or after 1 January 1999 for all skills apart from Mechatronics, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Water Technology and Information Network Cabling where competitors must be born on or after 1 January 1996. . WorldSkills Europe and the EuroSkills Graz Organising Committee officially announced today that EuroSkills Graz has been rescheduled for 22–26 September 2021. The event was originally scheduled to take place in September 2020 but was postponed twice due to the Covid-19 pandemic – first to January 2021 and then indefinitely – while the Austrian authorities re-organised to mitigate against Shanghai, one of China’s most developed cities, won a bid on Friday to host the 46th WorldSkills Competition in 2021 at the General Assembly of WorldSkills i V Региональный Чемпионат "Молодые профессионалы" (WorldSkills Russia) Брянской области - 2021 Därefter kommer Yrkes-VM genomföras jämna år, (2024 Lyon). De tävlande som redan nu är uttagna och var planerade att tävla 2021, kommer fortfarande kunna vara med och tävla 2022. Yrkeslandslaget WorldSkills WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 WorldSkills France # yrkesvm See More 15th Jan - 31st May, 2021.
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Worldskills 2021

The 46th WorldSkills Competition was postponed from this year because of  Det nya bussbranschavtalet innebär att löneökningar i nivåer med normeringen inklusive en satsning på WorldSkills Sweden ·

biennially to discover the best in talents among the youth in Singapore.
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2019 arrangerades WorldSkills i Kazan och 2021 var den planerad till Shanghai men har fått skjutas på framtiden på grund av coronapandemin.. Det finns även 

11th Jul, 2021.