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High-quality, versatile and ventilated body protector Chest, back, shoulder and side protection Plastic shield made from high-density polyethylene FlipFit construction for perfect integration of the neck brace Three-dimensional shape for perfect comfort Exclusively for KTM by Alpinestars 45 % polypropylene / 22 % polye

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Hochwertiger, vielseitiger und belüfteter Körperprotektor; Brust-, Rücken-, Schulter- und Flankenschutz; Kunststoffschilde aus High-Density-Polyethylen; FlipFit-Konstruktion für perfekte Integration des Neck-Brace; Dreidimensional geformt für perfekten Tragekomfort; Exklusiv für KTM von Alpinestars; OEM Nummer: 3PW192040X KTM Shop24 Neben KTM A10 Body Protector mit der OEM-Nummer 3PW192040X, finden sie bei uns noch mehr KTM-Ersatzteile, PowerParts, PowerWear, Bekleidung und Z a10 body protector. sku: 3pw192040.
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factory replica stacyc 12edrive; factory replica stacyc 16edrive; travel High-quality, versatile and ventilated body protector; Chest, back, shoulder and side protection; Plastic shield made from high-density polyethylene; FlipFit construction for integration of the neck brace; Three-dimensional shape; Optimized wear comfort; Can be combined with BIONIC TECH 2 NECK BRACE; Exclusively for KTM by ALPINESTARS Adventure, Purity, Performance, Extreme - KTM is READY TO RACE. Utilizamos cookies propias y ajenas para mejorar tanto tu experiencia de navegación como el servicio que ofrecemos. High-quality, versatile and ventilated body protectorChest, back, shoulder and side protectionPlastic shield made from high-density polyethyleneFlipFit construction for perfect integration of the neck braceThree-dimensional shape for perfect comfortExclusively for KTM by Alpinestars45 % polypropylene / 22 % polyethylene / 13 % polyester / 10 % EVA / 5 % polyurethane / 3 % polyamide / 2 % other • Modular design means protector can be worn in various configurations allowing rider to use in different riding situations. • Removable EVA padding on biceps with a locking system on the shoulder pad keeps protection in position. • Soft bio foam padded chassis for maximum comfort and personalized, close-to-the-body fit.

Exclusively for KTM by Alpinestars. FlipFit construction for perfect integration of the neck brace.
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With its revolutionary exoskeletal and contoured design the A-10 Full Chest Protector offers improved structural strength while its reduced material design and 

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