Aimo Solution AB,559148-0941 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för Aimo Solution AB


Feb 28, 2019 Sumitomo, Aimo offers a fully electric carsharing for inhabitants of Stockholm. Since the launch in October 2018, they offer 300 electrified small 

AIMO - STOCKHOLM´S FIRST ELECTRIC CAR SHARING. A SISTER COMPANY TO SC MOTORS SWEDEN AB. Aimo is run by Aimo Solution AB, a newly  Sep 19, 2018 If we compare the minute price to aimo, a car pool enterprise operational since October 2018, which costs 2.82 SEK per minute without any  Oct 2, 2019 to access shared electric mopeds, kick-scooters and cars; the latter can be collected and dropped off in either city. Stockholm's Aimo has also  I Stockholm och Uppsala är det i nuläget nästan 250 ställen, räkna med att mer gjord för kortare hyror, men för riktigt korta hyror är Aimo eller en taxi billigare,  Mar 12, 2019 Sumitomo Corp too has bulked up in this space, launching car share service Aimo in Stockholm last year and making investments in a  Mar 12, 2019 Sumitomo Corp too has bulked up in this space, launching car share service Aimo in Stockholm last year and making investments in a  Jan 2, 2019 In Stockholm last autumn the new company Aimo, with Japanese investors, started a semi-liquid car sharing with 300 electric cars. This happens  Oct 2, 2019 to access shared electric mopeds, kick-scooters and cars; the latter can be collected and dropped off in either city.

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300 Renault ZOE in Stockholm's new car sharing service - aimo. Renault is leader in Europe with more than 5,000 Renault ZOE, rolling in 8 major cities in various car rental services and partnerships. What’s cheaper than a taxi and smoother than a regular rental car? The answer is Aimo Solution! The solution to your everyday transport needs. All you need is an app and a driver’s license. Aimo är en ny bildelningstjänst som lanseras i Stockholm till hösten.

Jun 3, 2020 TietoEVRY and Aimo Park, the leading parking company in the of Aimo in Stockholm - Sweden's first free-flowing electric car sharing service.

Stockholm's first electric car share⚡️ . Easy and Fun Electric only Ny nattaxa 79 kr/tim 22-06  I am new to Stockholm and just wanted to know if anyone can recommend the Aimo car sharing service? Anyone tried yet? I am glad for any information … Jun 21, 2019 We sat down with Josephine Adorelle from aimo, a Vulog-powered all-electric carsharing service with 300 vehicles in Stockholm, Sweden,  aimo.

Aimo car sharing stockholm

Aimo har bilpoolsbilar i sitt verksamhetsområde som sträcker sig över 8/14/ · The free-floating car-sharing service Drivenow will leave the Stockholm market by 

Aimo car sharing stockholm

Find us in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, and more – for all your plans, big and small. Stockholm’s first electric carshare. Kör bara! Hitta din närmaste aimo med vår app. Behöver du bilen över helgen?

Stockholm’s first electric carshare.
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Aimo car sharing stockholm

Aimo Park Sweden - VARIOUS CONSULTANCIES, CAR PARK MANAGEMENT, Stockholm, 12163, Veterinärgränd 6, TEL: 087221, Sweden, On this page : Aimo Park Sweden, SE100745512 Sharing the use of goods that are no longer necessary to individually own.

Skillnaden mellan Stockholms bilpool och de kommersiella bilpoolerna (tex Sunfleet) är att vi inte har några anställda – vi sköter allt oavlönat eller med symboliska arvoden och kan därför hålla lägre priser. Stockholm’s first electric car-share.
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Stockholm's first electric carshare. Just go! Use the app to locate your nearest aimo. News! Now you can book your aimo for 3-7 days! It works as a Car Rental but 

Share is caring, get a shared car, it's easy and simple.