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USD to SEK | historical currency prices including date ranges, indicators, symbol comparison, frequency and display options for Swedish Krona.
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Historical exchange rates. The table shows USD to SEK historical exchange rates within 30 days.
1089 United States Dollar (USD) rates to SEK. Currency Calculator Money Currency Converter › USD to SEK Echange Rates › USD to SEK Historical Exchange Rates. This page shows the historical data for United States Dollar (USD) to Swedish Krona (SEK).
currency rates chart USD SEK - Currency Exchange From US Dollar To Swedish Krona With currency rates chart USD SEK Rate, currency rates chart USD SEK
USD: 0.12158 USD: 1 Swedish Krona in US Dollars is 0.12158 for 12/31 The table below shows historical exchange rates between the US Dollar (USD) and the Swedish Krona (SEK) between 10/9/2020 and 4/7/2021. View Options US dollar (USD) See both the current exchange rate for US dollar (USD) and the currency's historical development over time against the Swedish Krona. You can choose your own time span in the graph from 2012 to today's date. We also list the countries where US dollar (USD) is primarily used currency. Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) to SWEDISH KRONA (SEK) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. On April 07, 2021 the Official USD to SEK Exchange Rate: Close: 1 USD = 8.6282 SEK. Best: 1 USD = 8.6331 SEK. Worst: 1 USD = 8.5956 SEK. Today's Live US Dollar to Swedish Krona Spot Rate: As of 13 April, 2021, 102,140 USD to SEK = 872,357.21 Swedish krona.
1.00 SEK. US Dollar. 0.107508. Download historical rates for SEK - USD to excel Use our currency converter below to download historical exchange rates between Swedish Krona and US Dollar.
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On April 09, 2021 the Official USD to SEK Exchange Rate: Close: 1 USD = 8.5365 SEK. Best: 1 USD = 8.5724 SEK. Worst: 1 USD = 8.5286 SEK. Today's Live US Dollar to Swedish Krona Spot Rate: Omvandla 1 Svensk krona till USA-dollar.
CloseAxis:. UZS SEK - Today's exchange rate of Uzbekistan Som to Swedish Krona.
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Get free historical data for SEK USD (Swedish Krona US Dollar). You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the currency pair for the selected range of dates.
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